
May and Company External Links


SAICA-The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants

The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) is the foremost accountancy body in South Africa and one of the leading Institutes in the world. It plays an influential role in a highly dynamic business sector. SAICA offers a wide range of support services to its members, so that they, too, can play a key role in the developments in our economy.


IFA-International Fiscal Association

The International Fiscal Association (IFA) was established in 1938 with its headquarters in the Netherlands. It is the only non-governmental and non-sectoral international organisation dealing with fiscal matters.

Its objects are the study and advancement of international and comparative law in regard to public finance, specifically international and comparative fiscal law and the financial and economic aspects of taxation.

STEP-The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners

The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) is the leading worldwide professional body for practitioners in the fields of trusts, estates and related issues. STEP members help families plan their long term financial future, facilitating good stewardship and financial planning across future generations. STEP members also help families comply with the often complex tax rules surrounding trusts, estates and inheritance. “STEP Explained” gives an overview of the Society, its membership and activities.

4th Floor 5 St. Georges Mall,
Cape Town 8001
PO Box 3459,
Cape Town 8000,
South Africa
T +27 (0)21 425 1500
F +27 (0)86 615 9010

GPS coordinates

-33.92071, 18.42353

VAT Reg. No. 416 013 3916
Tax Practitioner No. PR0011321
Member of SAICA – South African Institute of Chartered Accountants.
Member of IFA – The International Fiscal Association.
Member of STEP – The Society of Trust and Estate Planners.
Associated Offices Worldwide.

Managing Partner
Carl May
B. Com; B.Com( Honours) Taxation;
Professional Assistants
Accounting Manager
GM Schkolne
B.Com; CA(SA)

Tax Consultant
N Chirwa
B. Com ( Honours) Taxation;
M.Phil.( Tax law)

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